The Future of Work and Why ROWE is the Way to Go

As someone who runs a remote support business for non-profits and associations, I’ve noticed some big changes in the workplace in the last couple of years. I wanted to share my thoughts on the future of work and how embracing ROWE (Results-Only Work Environment) can make a huge difference for organizations like yours.

Remote Work and Distributed Teams

One good thing that has come out of the pandemic is that it has forced us to consider that working remotely can be very productive for many people.  Folks can work from anywhere and teams can collaborate across different locations and time zones. At my company, we’ve been operating this way since 2004 and we’re big fans of remote work because it gives us the freedom to work when and where we’re most productive. ROWE supports this idea by focusing on results, not hours spent in the (virtual) office.

Automation and Artificial Intelligence

AI and automation are changing the way we work, and that’s not a bad thing! Non-profits can use these tools to cut down on busywork and let their staff focus on their mission. With ROWE, employees and volunteers have more control over their workload and can better adapt to new technology.

Gig Economy and Flexible Work Arrangements

The gig economy is huge, and it’s perfect for non-profit organizations who want to maximize their impact. But it’s important to make sure gig workers are treated fairly and have the support they need. ROWE fits nicely with gig work because it’s all about delivering results, not clocking hours. This flexibility and mindset can lead to happier, more engaged employees and contractors.

Emphasis on Employee Well-being and Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is also a big deal these days, and it’s something we really value at my remote support agency. The ROWE framework encourages this balance by giving resources more control over their schedules. This leads to lower stress and higher job satisfaction.

In short, the future of work is all about adaptability, and ROWE can help organizations stay ahead of the curve. By embracing flexibility and trust, you can create a workplace that’s productive, innovative, and supportive of employee well-being.

How Do You Like YOUR Latte?

virtual office assistantI have a friend who worked as a Barista at a well-known coffee shop. She tells the stories of guests who would return their latte because “it just isn’t right”. After making thousands of lattes she understood that what is ‘right’ to the recipe isn’t always ‘right’ to the customer. She learned to ask probing questions such as “is it too sweet? Too milky? Too much coffee?” By requiring the guest to be more specific, she was able to fix the problem quickly. In short, she learned to speak the language of guests’ expectations.

Hiring a remote support professional can be a little like that, except you’re the guest whose latte isn’t quite ‘right’.

When you hire someone to do a job you have a number of expectations about how the job ought to be done. It can take time to learn how to talk about the tasks you need accomplished. It can be difficult to accurately define the quality, feel or essence of a job that needs doing. You might think it is simple, yet you understand all the reasons you do it THIS way, and perhaps even all the reasons you DON’T do it another way. Your ‘right’ isn’t the same as everyone else’s. Often this skill is learned through trial and error.

To start learning this skill you just have to begin. One options might be to choose a small one-off task that can be outsourced with limited risk to your organization. It could be a mailer that needs to be written, or a spreadsheet that needs cleaning up. Just a couple of hours’ worth of work. Find a resource who can do the project for you and see how it goes. If they do a good job, you have a great product and good return on your investment. If they don’t meet your expectations, ask yourself how you could have communicated better.

Then try it again.

In this way you learn to speak the language of your expectations and your business in such a way so your resource can grasp what you need and want and meet those expectations the first time!

Check out our Nine Guidelines to Outsourcing to help you find your remote support groove.

Embracing the Sky: Leveraging Technology at 39,000 Feet

When we talk about “working in the cloud,” it’s usually in reference to the digital realm—files stored online, accessible from servers around the world rather than our local hard drives. But let’s take a moment to reminisce about the original clouds—the fluffy, white ones that float above, turning ominous before a storm.

Last year, I had the unique opportunity to work in those original clouds, and no, it’s not a metaphor. My office was 39,000 feet above planet Earth. While this might sound like a nerve-wracking prospect to some, for seasoned business travellers, it’s become the norm.

Armed with a tablet and other mobile devices, daily tasks and much more can be seamlessly accomplished while jet-setting on business trips—or, in my case, returning from a holiday in the UK.

So, how does this airborne productivity unfold? The airline I flew with provided WiFi access via satellite for a nominal fee, enabling me to respond to emails and check my calendar. All the necessary documents were on my tablet, along with the essential apps. Once I completed my tasks, I uploaded the documents to the digital version of the cloud, making them accessible to my assistant.

In the dynamic landscape of technology, constant change and improvement pave the way for enhanced productivity. For me, staying abreast of current technology transforms idle time into valuable productivity. The idea of having the option to get ahead on my workweek during a 6.5-hour flight is empowering. Yes, the surroundings were a tad cramped, but it worked.

As technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for leveraging travel time productively are boundless. Do you seize the opportunity to embrace technology while on the move, or do you prefer to use travel time as a moment to relax and unwind?

The High Price of ‘Doing the Paperwork’

When you think of the most expensive admin assistant on the Planet, you might think of someone like Tony Stark’s assistant who puts up with all his quirks, but who is handsomely paid for her hardship. Or a billionaire’s assistant who is available 24/7 and at a moment’s notice may be called upon to drop everything and jump on a plane to Tokyo to attend meetings with their boss. You might think that…… and you would be wrong.

YOU.. yes.. you… are the most expensive admin assistant on the planet.

How can this be true? It’s because studies show that administrative tasks take up as much as 25% of an organization’s time.

So, what does this mean? Before we even talk about the dollar cost of this truth let’s talk about time. As a business owner, working a very conservative 60 hours a week, this equates to 15 hours per week. Which may not seem like that much, but how about when we look at the annual cost of this truth?

720 HOURS per year the average business owner spends on administrative tasks, that’s THREE MONTHS!  Take that 720 hours and multiply by your client charge out rate.  Not only is that a lot of money for doing back-office work that you shouldn’t be doing in the first place, it’s also money you haven’t billed because you’ve been doing “the paperwork”.  If you outsourced these tasks alone at a much lower rate (hopefully) than you bill your clients, just think what you could do with an extra three month’s worth of time and a whole lot of extra money every year!!!

  • How could your organization grow?
  • What activities could you do with your family?
  • How could you invest in your network and members?
  • How could you serve your community?

If you have ever thought, “if only I had more time…” (you know that’s just an excuse, right?!?) and yet repeatedly find yourself burning the midnight oil filing invoices, inputting information into a database, updating your social media (or wishing you had time for social media)…

Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day so why not change things up and use those hours to full advantage?

Excuse me, you have a little something in your teeth…

small business goal settingHave you ever come out of a meeting, or the end of day and caught yourself in a mirror and realized that you have a piece of schmutz in your teeth, or your cow-lick is asserting its personality again?  We have all had that moment when we think “WHY DIDN’T SOMEONE TELL ME?”

As small business owners we can spend so much time in the tasks that we forget what our goals are.  If only gauging how well we are running our business is as simple as looking in the mirror!  When it comes to taking your business to the next level, a level of self-awareness is required to assess the needs of your business and how your management style can be maximized for growth.

Take a look at your business and your strengths and values (and be honest about it!). Determine what makes sense for you to do and what is reasonable for someone else to take care of.

To identify exactly what you need, do the following for one work-week:

  1. As you go through each workday, write down the daily tasks that you dislike doing (or, put another way, make a list of the things you do last because you keep putting them off)
  2. Write down all the projects you’ve “had on the back burner”; those projects and tasks that never seem to get done week after week, month after month.
  3. Write down all the things you spend too much time doing (why are you really in the office all the time?).
  4. Write down all the things you wish you had more time to do.
  5. Write down all the tasks you must do as a business owner.

Ask people you know to work through this with you as they may provide a different perspective. There might be metaphorical spinach in your teeth that they are begging for the chance to tell you about!

Don’t think about how much it will cost or how long to get these resources in place.  Just think about you for now and ask yourself what you need to do in order to move your business forward.

Need help?  Click here to get my free e-book to help you gain clarity.


The Good, the Not that Bad and the Manageable Side of Remote Work

If you’re one of those lucky workers out there who has found a place that suits you, whether it be in-office, remote or a hybrid of the two, congratulations! Having a place that you feel productive, content and comfortable can allow your talents to flourish and let you be your best is not always easy to accomplish.

I’ve operated my remote support agency for nearly 18 years.  It took me a while to get used to working from an office set up in my personal space.  I did eventually get used to a concept called ‘boundaries’ and now I wouldn’t work anywhere else.  I’m the most productive in a quiet environment with no distractions.  But that’s me; you will likely have a much different set of working environment needs than I do.  And that is totally okay.

Having to live with a global pandemic these past almost two years has forced everyone to re-examine how and where work is completed.  We’ve had to go that extra step and actually ask employees (rather than presume) what environment would help them be the most productive in their job.  We’ve had to cross the line between a person’s personal needs and their work needs, and instead of saying in the interview ‘this is what you’re required to do, when and where’, we now ask in the interview, ‘what environment are you able to provide these deliverables?’ In this article, let’s look at the good, the not so bad and the manageable side of being a remote worker.

The Good

Forcing everyone to work remotely, especially last year, has helped us learn more about ourselves and what working environment we thrive in; doing so has also shown us what working environment we do not thrive in.  This in itself is a great learning point and also shifts the relationship between employer and employee; just by asking what would help their employee get through their workday and by putting a telework agreement in place, tells the employee that their employer trusts them to complete their work, without being monitored. This alone can be a much-needed motivation boost. The remote worker may feel a sense of ownership and pride in their work knowing that they are in control, leading to a boost in productivity. Productivity can also result from the ability to work at a flexible schedule, taking advantage of more productive periods of the day rather than being in an office from 9 to 5 and being ‘on’ all the time.  More ‘points’ scored there!

Some remote workers find they have a better sense of well-being with no commute to provide an extra source of stress, eating home-made lunches instead of office take-out and perhaps taking some of the old commute time and turning it into a work-out or walk.  Even more points! 

The Not So Bad

If working remotely suits you, as with any job, you need to be prepared. This includes making sure you have the proper tools to be a productive, content and comfortable worker.  Working in a traditional office comes with many things that the worker is not responsible for providing, so it is important to understand what you will provide.  For example, you may have a desk and chair at home somewhere, high speed Internet and some software.  You need to ask what your employer will provide at their cost or pay you for, e.g. they may now reimburse your monthly Internet bill.

The Manageable

For all of these wonderful benefits of being a remote worker, there are some pitfalls that are important to address. While technology issues and a shortage of physical supplies or equipment may prove challenging, the solution for these is a simple fix, purchase or pick up from the office. However, there are some challenges that take a little bit more work and a little more effort to start some good remote worker habits.

 Managing procrastination, distraction and time are key to get you in the best situation to be successful. Yes, it is true that these are also needed in the traditional office, but these things are even more important when you’re working remotely. Working in a traditional office when distracted or under the curse of procrastination can be managed easily as there are other people around you still working which can give you that little extra push to get back on track, but when you’re alone this is more of a challenge.

Either way, creating work habits that are conducive to getting the job done but leaving it when the work-day is over is incredibly important in being a successful remote worker. Consider having a closed office, letting family and friends know your work schedule (a.k.a. those ‘boundaries’), and having a good pair of headphones to cut down on noise will all help.

It’s likely that the time between work and home have now blended together, so leaving the home tasks for after work and leaving the work when it is time to take care of personal tasks can help (and stick to it!). For more ideas on dealing with distraction, flex-jobs has a quick list of solutions.

For further insights, purchase my new e-book ‘Humans Working Remotely: Guiding Success for the Current Future’. It’s available to purchase here: